Everything in this blog is my opinion and does not in any way, shape, or form represent the opinion or officially stated position of Microsoft, Google , or Kim Jong Il
this is fairly obvious when one considers I have no official capacity in any of these organizations.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Threnody a tale in three or more parts

Some where in London, July 2012

Richard Blonde( Blonde Dick to his friends just Blonde to others)  stood up and stretched. He was in a thoughtful mood which was strange for him . 20 Years !!!. 20 Years of loyal service to his Majesty’s Secret Service , from the mountains of Afghanistan to the rides of Disneyland , Blonde had seen it all ( well almost everything he never had seen M naked yet which was probably a good thing ) and now to be reduced to this !!
“Damn it this was getting positively maudlin” , Blonde told himself. Chin up old boy you’ve dealt with far worse , but that sinking feeling in his innards would not go away . He stared at his watch again , “she sure was taking her time” he thought .
Some where in London, Adjacent Room July 2012

The “She” in question was Lady Margret Bernadette  Ysobel Cunningham the current head of the MI  ; known far and wide as “M” . Her friends would have called her Margret but owing to the fact that she had no friends this was not a problem. M literally had seen everything included herself naked. That experience was still costing her a fortune in therapy especially because every time she opened  up to a therapist she had him killed.
“Send him in funnymoney”
Blonde strolled in , years of training making his gait seem almost panther like. “You know Lord Dawlish Blonde”. “Home Secretary a great pleasure “. “Thank you 007 a grave business this “
“Yes someone seems to have killed Dr. Phil and I think..”
M cleared her throat , there was no doubt who was in charge, “Shall we begin gentlemen, we are gathered here today as required by subsection 4 Para 3 of the amended  MI6 code of conduct act”.
“As such I must now inform you Mr Richard Blonde that your annual performance review is underway”
Blonde sucked wind no matter how often he had told himself this would never happen…..
“You know how much  I prefer brevity Blonde so I will just say it , one the new improved ( M rolled her eyes)  performance metric scale ( PMS) where 1 indicates  excellence of the highest order and 5 requires a level reclassification hearing, you Blonde are a 5”
Blonde swore an oath and in one smooth motion moved to kill Lord Dawlish with his bare hands but in the end his training won out and he contented himself by turning a cartwheel.
“How could this happen Chief”?
The Home secretary interjected, “there is this thing called the calibration curve you see and we find..”
“One more word Lord Dawlish….”
“That will be enough Blonde” M growled, “The number is final and locked up we are here to discuss whether you are to be reclassified  as a Single O agent
Blonde could not believe his ears, his legs almost gave way. “Single O” was the  worst classification possible in this business.  You could not kill anyone on weekends , on weekdays you could not kill anyone after 5 PM 6 with DST. Your had to have your martinis stirred, you were not allowed to have sex with the hot chick and YOU HAD TO BANG the hot chicks fat or ugly friend( sometimes both ). It was a nightmare
Training will tell though , from the depths Blonde stirred, “I demand an administrative review”
“That is your right Double or Single Oh Seven ,  Lord Dawlish if you would please”
“Certainly dear Lady , well Blonde in the first place there is the question of your visibility “
“Yes maybe but also you have been submitting all your status reports in the wrong format “
“WHAT !!!”
“And finally there is the issue of Iran last Year”
Iran!!! Consummate professional that he was Blonde’s expression did not betray a thing but his heart started racing
“Yes Iran”

Next Time “ Iran”

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