Everything in this blog is my opinion and does not in any way, shape, or form represent the opinion or officially stated position of Microsoft, Google , or Kim Jong Il
this is fairly obvious when one considers I have no official capacity in any of these organizations.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Parasites all


  • from the ancient Greek , a person who received free meals in return for amusing or impudent conversation
  • Latin : parasitos, “person who eats at the table of another”


So suppose you worked at Microsoft( Editors Note: The editors wish to categorically and absolutely deny  any liability whatsoever , if you should suffer temporary and or permanent damage by playing around with the authors hypothetical's ), now imagine if you will , that one fine day you happen to be interviewing a candidate for the position of  Software development Engineer( what it happens , people still want to work for MSFT you know !). Say your interview goes thusly

You : smiling genially to break the ice “ So tell me , my dear fellow, why do you want to work for Microsoft”?

Candidate : Leaps to his feet and gesticulates like a mad man and start tearing up little pieces of paper and flinging them hither and thither “Microsoft is the world’s most evil corporation, it murders innovation and little babies, it stifles all competition and water boards all open source projects, further more MSFT shamelessly copies APPL ( blessed be his name and blessed be his works ) , MSFT is responsible for global warming the Rwandan massacre and , this is not that well known , but Dancing with the Stars(DWTS) too”. Deep Breath!! “Also they sell the worst products in the world causing death, doom, destruction, despair, war, famine, genocide and  oh they make their employees work on Saturdays sometimes,  and they STACK RANK !!!!!!

You :  “Ah er yes ( DWTS  hmm that is problematic ) so hmm yes so but yes ah ha and so also.!!! Hmm , so why er software development my dear fellow

Candidate “I will do absolutely nothing as an SDE write no code whatsoever thus fixing Microsoft.”

You : “Hmm yes I see what you mean , well er that is say do you mind while I dial security old boy”

I leave it as an exercise to the reader on whether “candidate” was offered a job.

In fact all of us even if we are somewhat gray matter challenged and oh I don't know from Kentucky or Louisiana or some such “Darwin Denier State” would probably conclude that said candidate was unlikely to be offered a job

In other News! Generic Tea Party candidate stump speech

I hate Govt , Govt. is the problem , Govt causes tooth decay, depression, rape, incest, war, drug addiction, abortion, traffic jams, unemployment, marital infidelity, bad beats at poker, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. WE SHOULD ALL HATE GOVT , GOVT SHOULD NOT EXIST I DO NOT UNDERSTAND MATH OR THE DEBT CEILING , all i know is govt very very very bad.


and please do this every two years

Thank you

PS: Down with the govt you know it causes Down Syndrome right

PPS : Cutting taxes will fix tooth decay, depression, rape, incest, war, drug addiction, abortion, traffic jams, unemployment, marital infidelity, bad beats at poker, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.


I cannot think of any other place where claiming to hate the job and the institution you are applying for qualifies you the job!! You know, there is somewhat of an honest debate to be had about what the role and size of the govt should be but I don’t think its too much to ask, that if you are asking for a taxpayer funded govt job , the least you can believe in , is govt.!!!!

I mean look at that clown Ron Paul ( the so called intellectual force behind the libertarian wing of our August legislative body) about 22 or 24 years in congress drawing a salary and sucking at the taxpayer teat for all those damn years and what have we got in return from him ??


ONE FUCKING PIECE OF LEGISLATION PASSED. JUST ONE . The bill allowed for a federal customhouse to be sold to a local historic preservation society ( I cannot understand how this was not a law all these years and how we managed without it ). In 22 years !!!!!.  I mean come one why is this guy being paid a salary again ?

Imagine if you will if you hired a software developer who for the first year wrote 0 lines of code. LIKE NONE. His review would probably go something like this

You : “You wrote 0 lines of code this year”

Hapless Employee  : “Well um this company is evil and the cause of all problems you know so…”


IF you are Paulite apparently the conversation goes something like this


You : “You wrote 0 lines of code this year”

Ron Paul inspired Hapless Employee  : “Well um this company is evil and the cause of all problems you know so I added no new bugs”

You : wow I mean wow that’s is deep fantastic no bugs amazing here have some stock awards and an awesome raise and anything else?


I am just sick of these assholes, seriously ! Do the fucking job you are paid to do, you are legislators, legislate. !! What is so hard about that .  !!!!!!!!!!!



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