Everything in this blog is my opinion and does not in any way, shape, or form represent the opinion or officially stated position of Microsoft, Google , or Kim Jong Il
this is fairly obvious when one considers I have no official capacity in any of these organizations.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The story of My Life ( subtitles optional )


Ted Chiang is an amazing sic-fi short story writer . He really hasn't published that much maybe like 10 odd short stories but each of them is an amazing I mean amazing gem . One of them which I personally love is a novella titled “The Story of your Life” ( read it today )

Phew getting through a meaningless introduction to a blog post that seems mildly relevant and sufficiently gravitastic ( not a word.. meaning loaded with gravitas )is hard I tell ya

Anyway re-connected with an old friend after years on line ( can you guess which site this was on hmm anyone , anyone no ..ok I‘ll give you hint it rhymes with SpaceCrook ) and of course there was the usual hey what have you been up to, where are you, with have you achieved, my car is bigger than yours I hope etc etc :-)

Since I am hoping that I keep meeting old friends who will keep asking these questions from now on I plan to point them to this post.  MaKe Believe press and whatwereyouthinking Inc proudly present  “Mr Chandran in the 21st Century” a joyous threnody in 3  parts a veritable magnum opus , New York Times says “What can we say”


Midnight Dec 31st ( or is it Jan 1st I never can tell  ) , I am in New York with Anurag , Ram and other assorted drunks. Anurag has convinced me that Rum and milk is actually not only a cocktail but also healthy for the liver. I am convinced and proceed to test this theory thoroughly. Elsewhere in Anurag’s “spectacular view of the Hudson thus signifying material wealth and success and therefore hoping that said apartment will behave like pussy magnet” apartment  I hear someone describe with considerable verve and animation how they saved the world by contributing to the Y2k rescue effort. I am comforted in the  knowledge that they will probably never breed!!!.

OK they the new century is upon and and by golly I even have a cell phone from sprint PCS (TM) to prove it.  Wife joins me in a few months and I start my work at Microsoft which if I understood the recruiting brochure correctly would change the world, realign the solar system make the milky way more beautiful on alternate nights and allow Stephen Hawing to come up with a Theory Of Everything as a series of PowerPoint slides”

<GEEK> : Did work on distributed transactions and business frameworks . slowly started realizing that it was exactly as geeky as it sounded</GEEK>

Also in late 2004 we got what was probably the best thing ever both our dogs


Picture 089    IM002127

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