Everything in this blog is my opinion and does not in any way, shape, or form represent the opinion or officially stated position of Microsoft, Google , or Kim Jong Il
this is fairly obvious when one considers I have no official capacity in any of these organizations.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

This India( Part Cuatro)

The wedding is done and like most Indian weddings it was loud in parts it was hot it parts it was fun in parts and it there were enough tears and laughter to go around for everyone. Also a percentage of the population managed to get offended at something or the other and others got offended at the people who got offended still others were offended that someone else was offended before them for the pet thing they has planned on getting offended at and finally of the six thousand nine hundred odd idiotic suggestions made by distant relatives, moronic friends, all and sundry four turned out, on close investigation, to have some merit. In short a pretty good time was had by all.

In our youth one of the places we used to visit often to eat awesome cheap Chinese used to be a place called Eddie’s Kitchen ( no I have never met Eddie) , so anyway with the stars of nostalgia burning bright in our minds etc we showed up around 10 ish for dinner. The first intimation I received that things might have changed a little was the fact that all four of us found our arms sticking to the dinner mats. While I was still figuring this out it became clearer to us that the AC was not working, however there was a AC looking object that was working hard at generating noise thus saving him all the annoying trouble of music.

“Well ambience was never the thing here anyway the foods the thing” I tell myself and we all start of by ordering soups. OK short version everything went downhill very rapidly , the guy brings back 4 soups and disclaims all knowledge of which is which. I have never ever seen anything like that , the waiter told us “ how would he know which was which”. At this point the four of us finally figure it out by some trial and error and then my sis-in-law told the guy this manchow soup looked unlike any manchow she had ever seen. Mumbling to himself the guy took it away to fix and brought it back exactly the same only this time he has added some noodle on top. It was surreal.

Then things got really exciting , after the dude got out the food it turned out there was no silverware for anyone so I asked the guy to get us forks and knives and in what can only be described as the Nobel prize move for incompetence our man brings us back two pairs when there are four guests. I then asked him what his plans for the other two were at which point the guy goes and comes back with one more set it was soooo bad it was funny

The meal endedth and unbeknownst to us it turns out the table we were sitting out well it had only two legs and one end of the table was attached to the end of the wall on a ledge half an inch wide and by attached I am going with fevicol……yup as we were leaving the whole thing came crashing down would have been very entertaining for the other guests if there had been anyone else there ( another clue an empty joint on Saturday nights…)

How much sharper than the <insert metaphor> is the disappointment of a place that has been a staple of awesomeness once and now…. just the ashes of memories etc sigh

I go to Bangalore in a couple of days apart from all the other stuff I am going to be doing there am sooooo looking forward to meeting some really good friends from the past, lets hope they haven't stopped being awesome too :-)

also want to visit fanoos and koshys as well , lets hope they are doing well .

In other news the weight is slowly but surely coming back on . eff it the food is just too good I’ll go through the pain of getting rid of it again in the US

BP spill, where will it end am a little worried fucking asswipes….

Friday, May 28, 2010

This India (Part Tres )

Visited Crossword a few days ago. For the uninformed this would be like a barnes and noble right down to “yeah you can read the book without paying anything “ to even more drastic “we do returns within 15 days”. Very nice place I love it.

I think the only two retail outlets I can be happy at are tech related places like Frys ( worlds greatest store ) and bookshops.There is something about bookshops I just love, every time I enter one it feels like home, something I’ve grown up with my whole life, be it the crowded you cant browse thank you very much store like Manneys ( pune people will know) to the crossword of today. I have many, many things to thank my parents for and many to yell about as well :-) but making sure my brother and I would become life long lovers of reading was by far the greatest gift they’ve given us , all you new parents out there , make sure your kid(s) loves to read there is no faster path to knowledge and no easier way to stay entertained and trust they will thank you for it one day .

Napster , bit lord and iTunes pretty much made sure that CD shops are dead , the number of people in the 3 retail CD outlets in the US last year was probably less than the number of people at a jack the ripper fan club meeting, and I am guessing the Kindle will do the same to book stores( yes yes yes I have heard every argument there is for the feel of paper , try explaining that to the check in lady at an airport when she looks like a headmistress at an erring pupil and sadly nods her head “You sir are overweight … and so is your checked in luggage” < yeah that one hurt> )

The people who read tons of book have already spoken,they are migrating to the Kindle en masse and yet I cant bring myself to buy one, there’s just something about turning the pages , randomly sampling pages at a book store before making a buying decision etc( i have trouble shopping for books online I need to see the book so these days I decide what I want to buy at the sore then i come home and order it online , there is always a way) …….. on the other hand I am fairly sure this is the first sign of aging as well , this is the clearest I can recollect me objecting to a technological shift that is just logically better. I am basically yelling and screaming “In My time ….” We’ve all seen the old idiot who keeps using his chequebook at the check out counter instead of plastic and mumbling something about all this “new fangled stuff’ and although I’ve been as angry as anyone I’ve always sworn that I am not going to be that guy and I wonder is the Kindle my “chequebook story”. Stay tuned on that …

In other news the wedding ( Sanjyot’s cousin ) is proceeding along much like a force of nature :-) even as I writing this intense prep is on all around me … I am like an oasis of calm amongst a sea of you know not calm


More later

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Shiny Happy People

On FaceBook ( where else ) the other day a friend of mine posed the age old Question, “why are diamonds a women's best friend”? Well I mean please the answer is obvious its because Dog was already taken. Given that men picked dogs and women diamonds it is instructive to compare and contrast a dog with a diamond. for the really really really socially and culturally inept I have taken the time to post some helpful guidelines including visual cues

Sun Thun 022




Some other differences include

  • Dogs are generally cheaper both to acquire and maintain
  • Dogs are messier
  • A dog is not forever
  • Gifting someone a dog will not usually get you laid
  • a diamond spelt backwards is dnomaid which to me is far more believable than the other one
  • Paris Hilton does not know the diff between the two clearly
  • walking your diamond and wearing your dog is generally considered bad form( unless of course… see PH explanation above )

This India ( Part Deux)

So did something incredibly brave the other day, I took a rickshaw and ventured into the streets, this was like real heat and grit and dust amazing stuff like being a participant in a reality show called “So you think you can act in a 80’s art movie”

Felt all pioneer like , Go west young man etc ( oh yeah I was driving down to the spa for a massage like I said I was brave not stupid )

Talking of rickshaws the other day I was in this cab and I was driving shotgun and the guy driving me was like a kid , nice guy we got talking and talk turned to politics somehow and so I asked him what Raj Thackeray was up to these days with all the non Marathi people go home thingy and so the kid thinks a little

So sir when you do your job , you’re in software no ( I nod ) then you basically sit down think really hard and bang away at your keyboard because you want to make new softwares?” I was loathe to destroy this romantic notion of how software is built with tales of tiger-lockup off site program management meetings and six sigma lean agile non waterfall techniques and I mean I probably really should not mention aspect oriented pair programmed test driven lunacy I mean development so I just sort of agreed. “So Raj Thackeray also has a job sir and his job is to make sure people know about his party before the elections nahi to vote kaun dega unko

By itself this incident means nothing but it was kind of nice to meet a slight example of an informed electorate. God I am so sick of these tea party idiots

In other news the lights went of the other day. Got inverter though so suck on that MSEB.

The food is still exquisite. I cant get enough of it ( yes yes yes I know what happens to the food later ) Pretty soon I will be moving out from home to get closer to the wedding site lets see how that goes.

Still have not found time to visit the Bishops School that veritable font of learning ( thank you Mr Beamon, rot in hell Mr < you know who you are > ) hopefully can get there while I am here, for all of its faults it still was an awesome place in retrospect.

Tried downloading a video ( 350 MB ) from my box in Seattle via TS and explorer said it would take 8 hrs… sigh but wait , wait genius to the rescue < cue mission impossible music >

  1. First TS into Seattle box
  2. TS into my go-daddy box from seattle box
  3. Upload video to go-daddy box
  4. download video using http to local india box

total time about 90 min as compared to the 8 hrs( the pipe sizes matter and the 8 hr case is the worst pipe case also i think the TS copy is way slower than http )

whooohoohahaha ( yes fine next week I’ll work on getting a life )

OK Quick Question if you ask someone to play you a Zeppelin song and they play Stairway to Heaven does this mean

  1. They know nothing about zeppelin , this is the only song they have heard off
  2. They think you know nothing about zeppelin so hope you know this one
  3. They have heard plenty of Zeppelin and actually think this one is the best

Finally I leave you with this ( no reason at all )

He that would keep a secret must keep it secret that he hath a secret to keep----H.A

Sunday, May 23, 2010

This India ( Part Uno )

So its been a week or so actually 10 days now I think since I got back to the country of my birth , land of my fore fathers, the India of the East ( wait what?? ). Man this place is just overwhelming both the good and the bad ( there is no indifferent though )

To start with this is my first Indian summer in 10 yrs …. GOOD NEWS there is no global warming . Also Indian street vendors are now making omelets without the need for any sort of fire, stove etc . The heat is un-friggin-real and if one more person tries to tell me mumbai is better than pune or vice-versa and talks about heat vs humidity I plan to drown them …in hot water. they can decide then once for all which is worse death by boiling or drowning in your perspiration. but I digress.. calm happy thoughts now cool thoughts

The food is beyond amazing like to die for ( also based on govt statistics very likely you will die from it ) one of my fave moments was when I realized the reason the dal makhani was soooo makhani was because the tadka was in ghee. I could literally see my arteries waving a white flag but not with too much energy though. And man what can I say about the kababs. Not kebobs or kabbobs or meat- on- a- stick but the heaven that is a well marinated flavoured reshmi kabbab hai hai. Did I mention paani poori.

Ok good moving on, the other almost incredibly mind numbingly amazing thing about this place is the traffic. How do I describe this now. Imagine if you will that bill gates has mated with Meghan fox( gratuitous pic somewhere below) and their offspring is

  1. age appropriate
  2. genetically endowed with all of Ms Fox’s looks
  3. legally endowed with all of Mr Gates’ Money ( ok fine so this analogy has some holes in it )

Now further imagine that this women runs an ad in the paper saying that the first one billion people who want to have sex with her are welcome to and the winner will be getting all her money. Now imagine the rush to get to her place. Ok that is India during OFF-PEAK hours. Also my cab driver truly has a fantastic sense of irony and amazing dead-pan delivery, which he illustrated by telling me that rickshaw drivers in his opinion were the most dangerous drivers of all time , and as I started nodding , he calmly broke a red light turned into a one way in the wrong direction and then proceeded to nearly run over in quick succession a cyclist a dog a cow and then a rickshaw-walla. after which he gestured to the passing rickshaw guy to underscore his point, a bravura performance I have already sent his address to Mr. Daniel Day Lewis.

Managed to meet a bunch of friends of yore , clearly every one has traded in their carefree rocker days for the wonderful suburban life :-) ( too old to rock and roll to young to die :-) ). Was still pretty awesome though. Also everyone and their younger brother ( with a few exceptions ) works for a company(ies) that…….”count on the expertise and experience of its skilled architects and engineers to provide an excellent atmosphere for creative and practical solutions.” Also some of them provide “emphasis on thorough business analysis, robust architecture and clean code all brought together through effective use of agile processes ensures high quality and timely deliveries”.Also others have chosen to emphasize process-driven project management so that projects are handled carefully and professionally, at all times. And finally some “deliver custom applications and provide consulting grounded in reality; they help organizations become efficient through Agile and Lean practices and principles. By hiring exceptional people, we can solve our clients' biggest and most pressing problems. All of our services are offered both on and offshore, and are delivered with pride and passion.”

There who says India is not doing cutting edge awesome stuff in tech.

I think the biggest thing for me is the density of people man and how small the houses etc are here. The US is really blessed in terms of land per person. More later..

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Beauty and the hot derriere

So last weekend was at a friends place , potluck , good food , vino, fun conversation, all in all a rather nice relaxed evening . Somewhere during the evening the conversation drifted to a variation on the freebie list ( see friends Season 3 ep 5 essentially list of people you get to sleep with without upsetting anyone ) this conversation was more like a, who’s on your all time hit parade list . Just about everyone's list was predictable and ok ( some surprises though someone bought up Liam Neeson and on some thought I have to say I agree )

Anyway in yet another sign that I am getting too old for most things, I was thinking later on that , at this point in my life what do I find really good looking . We all pay lip service to “beauty being in the eyes of the beholder”, so what do I behold as beauty” Now don't get me wrong a gorgeous derriere is clearly up there, but still what is sublime and transcendent to me !!. Here in no particular order, continuing my obsession with lists is a list of the truly beautiful

1) John Patrick McEnroe at Wimbledon serving , racing towards the net , his opponents return of serve clearly too good , and OMG a volley that defies the very laws of Physics. For those who are too young to have seen “The Tiebreaker” ( if you have to ask etc etc ) catch it on you tube or something but man John McEnroe was blessed in a way I have not seen since

2) This one is actually two people and there is a curious symmetry about it but Mohammed Azharuddin flicking a ball of his legs , all wrists and the fielders applaud ; the gods smile down and David Ivon Gower’s almost incredibly lazy and languid yet whipcord quick cover drive are truly amazing. I am an atheist, but if ever there was a POC for god it must be these two cricketing strokes. I remember watching Gower play as a kid for the first time and I could not believe anyone could hit it through the off side like that ( in later years Ganguly would come close to achieving that peculiar slow motion gracefulness that many left handed cover drives seem to have but there was only one David Gower) and Azza well I certainly cannot in prose do any justice to the magical flick of the wrist that would transform a full blooded swinging yorker into “that’s 4 more to Azharuddin”

c) Led Zeppelin: No one even comes close like none, maybe floyd and “the doors” but Jimmy Page and Robert Plant are for my money still the amazing producers of sound ever. “Going to california” and “Battle of Evermore” still remain amazing tunes

d) Boyer Moore : (Geeks only warning ) if you ask anyone in a interview how they would implement strstr ( searching one string within another ) 99% of people would give you the naive implementation in which basically you run two loops comparing letter by letter from SrchString and Text and if you miss then start over in the next position in Text. An alternative to this technique is the Boyer Moore search which is incredibly clever but even more interesting to me incredibly beautiful . I remember when I first read about Boyer Moore I literally wanted to jump up and down with joy at the sheer cleverness of this and als0 man thank god I work in an industry where something like this is possible ( shortly after that I continued to do my day job which was shipping Vista so never mind :-) ). The basic idea behind Boyer Moore is this . Say you are searching for the word Hello in the string :

Director Ken Annakin had been interested in aviation from his early years when Sir Alan Cobham gave him a flight in a biplane.

Now in the naive method you would first check if the first letters matched ( in other words you would check ‘H’ with ‘D’ ) The cleverness of BM is that, it is way faster to check the last letter. In other words you first check the fifth position in the Text ( thus comparing ‘C ‘with ‘O’ ) The point is if the last letter does not match there is no point in checking the previous letters there cannot be a match . There are complicated wrinkles, see wiki for details, but basically after checking the 5th I will check the 10th again for a ‘O’ because otherwise “Hello” can’t fit there again . Truly a testament to raw intellectual horsepower”

e) George Raymond Richard Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series. It will take too long to explain just read it already ( sic-fi fantasy warning :-) )

f) Kasparov-Karpov World championship Match 1985 ( this would be the first rematch :-) ) Game 16 --Sicilian Paulsen . The Kasparov–Karpov games in the 80’s remain to this day some of the best chess ever and Game 16 is a masterpiece .. again really hard to explain but a really really beautiful game , I have rarely seen such a beautiful game . Chess in general is a truly exquisitely beautiful game ( also can get real ugly sometimes :- )) but some games are like just an amazing trip on shrooms man!!!

g) Finally !! your dogs your kids ( under the age of 10 while they still listen :-) ) and the love of your life will always be beautiful , this is just the way it is :-) I still find my dogs gorgeous and as for my wife from the day I fell in love with her to today she remains gorgeous to me. Chances are pretty good she will be that way tomorrow as well :-)

Some other time : What is UGLY to me :-)