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Saturday, May 29, 2010

This India( Part Cuatro)

The wedding is done and like most Indian weddings it was loud in parts it was hot it parts it was fun in parts and it there were enough tears and laughter to go around for everyone. Also a percentage of the population managed to get offended at something or the other and others got offended at the people who got offended still others were offended that someone else was offended before them for the pet thing they has planned on getting offended at and finally of the six thousand nine hundred odd idiotic suggestions made by distant relatives, moronic friends, all and sundry four turned out, on close investigation, to have some merit. In short a pretty good time was had by all.

In our youth one of the places we used to visit often to eat awesome cheap Chinese used to be a place called Eddie’s Kitchen ( no I have never met Eddie) , so anyway with the stars of nostalgia burning bright in our minds etc we showed up around 10 ish for dinner. The first intimation I received that things might have changed a little was the fact that all four of us found our arms sticking to the dinner mats. While I was still figuring this out it became clearer to us that the AC was not working, however there was a AC looking object that was working hard at generating noise thus saving him all the annoying trouble of music.

“Well ambience was never the thing here anyway the foods the thing” I tell myself and we all start of by ordering soups. OK short version everything went downhill very rapidly , the guy brings back 4 soups and disclaims all knowledge of which is which. I have never ever seen anything like that , the waiter told us “ how would he know which was which”. At this point the four of us finally figure it out by some trial and error and then my sis-in-law told the guy this manchow soup looked unlike any manchow she had ever seen. Mumbling to himself the guy took it away to fix and brought it back exactly the same only this time he has added some noodle on top. It was surreal.

Then things got really exciting , after the dude got out the food it turned out there was no silverware for anyone so I asked the guy to get us forks and knives and in what can only be described as the Nobel prize move for incompetence our man brings us back two pairs when there are four guests. I then asked him what his plans for the other two were at which point the guy goes and comes back with one more set it was soooo bad it was funny

The meal endedth and unbeknownst to us it turns out the table we were sitting out well it had only two legs and one end of the table was attached to the end of the wall on a ledge half an inch wide and by attached I am going with fevicol……yup as we were leaving the whole thing came crashing down would have been very entertaining for the other guests if there had been anyone else there ( another clue an empty joint on Saturday nights…)

How much sharper than the <insert metaphor> is the disappointment of a place that has been a staple of awesomeness once and now…. just the ashes of memories etc sigh

I go to Bangalore in a couple of days apart from all the other stuff I am going to be doing there am sooooo looking forward to meeting some really good friends from the past, lets hope they haven't stopped being awesome too :-)

also want to visit fanoos and koshys as well , lets hope they are doing well .

In other news the weight is slowly but surely coming back on . eff it the food is just too good I’ll go through the pain of getting rid of it again in the US

BP spill, where will it end am a little worried fucking asswipes….

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