Everything in this blog is my opinion and does not in any way, shape, or form represent the opinion or officially stated position of Microsoft, Google , or Kim Jong Il
this is fairly obvious when one considers I have no official capacity in any of these organizations.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

This India Part 5

Just back from Bangalore , in pune now

So far Bangalore has been a clear winner on this trip weather wise, also whilst I am sure the traffic sucks ass I was lucky not to  get into any jams as such. But of course as we all know by now Surgit amari aliquid quod in ipsis floribus angat.

One of the greatest pleasures in this trip for me personally has been the ability to pay someone to shave me , man I miss that in the US. I found one guy in Bellevue who dies a straight razor shave and it costs $50. well I mean …….

Cheap labour equals awesome barbers, waiters and what have you …hooray for overpopulation. Also a couple of weeks ago someone we know has a resident nurse to take care of them. Nurse had a cardiac incident and then folks in the house were trying to hail a cab/rickshaw and four of those bastards would not stop even when told there was a medical emergency. I guess overpopulation does reduce the intrinsic value of life as well. Damn!!

Begging is still an art form/valued skill clearly, and I had  this totally surreal moment in my head recently. I was at a barista and as I was coming out  this  lady\women\girl child with kid in tow was going

<Editors note: in orders to preserve the thematic integrity and narrative cohesion of this piece in place translation has been provided, any loss in intensity and impact is of course as per the Patna convention considered the readers fault”>

Her: Please Sir some money sir very hungry sir baby also hungry Sir

IN my head I am going “ Well Steve Doug James Paul Peter we really would welcome some extra offshore work you know”

Her: Have not eaten for a long time sir a little bit of money is all we need

Me: Yes we are six sigma lean agile extreme MSFT TLA JAVA HAHA certified

Her: Sir Sir Sir please Sir

Me: Certainly we can finish in 4 weeks what you want it localized for Pashtu and Swahili yes well then 5 weeks my dear fellow

I don't know for whatever reason looking at her all I could see  was every BPO software services blah blah blah company with their arms outstretched( this is not to ding anyone I am trying the same damn thing to make a living , it just popped into my head that's all ) . speaking off when I was growing up the phrase du jour was body shopping . Apparently that was too much high praise as it indicated someone was willing to pay for  ahem our bodies so now we have <cue drum roll>  “staff augmentation”. Neat no?

Back in pune now winding up vacation ,sad to go home but on the flip side my doggies :-) hooray.

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