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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

MBA Case Study Part Deux

Last time we dealt with some excellent issues around risk arbitrage . This time lets us move on to the wonderful topic of interpersonal relationships


You have just been promoted to manager of a fairly non prestigious product unit. (Your parents still seem to think you would have been better served by joining the IAS ). In your first staff meeting you conclude that two members on your team ( P and K ( A,B were taken ) ) have the following issues ; P is stupid, K only asks stupid Questions.

Please answer the following questions ( Note to students : The twitter text restriction is currently not in effect )

  1. In the event  of a natural disaster which team member would you assign the job of calling Emergency Services.
  2. If you had no choice in the matter who would you rather  harass sexually
  3. What would you do of you had a choice !
  4. Predict what will happen if K asks P a question
  5. Take a moment to reflect on the futility of your life
  6. Why did you not join the IAS
  7. Which would you prefer Promoting P and listening to K’s questions about it or Promoting K and listening to his questions about it . Consider your answer  in the context of your own recent promotion
  8. Who in your opinion is better suited to star in Thicke’s next video ( provide your answerer as an anime )
  9. You and Miley Cyrus are both homo sapiens sapiens . How would you explain that to P. How does it make you feel

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