Everything in this blog is my opinion and does not in any way, shape, or form represent the opinion or officially stated position of Microsoft, Google , or Kim Jong Il
this is fairly obvious when one considers I have no official capacity in any of these organizations.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

This India ( Part Deux)

So did something incredibly brave the other day, I took a rickshaw and ventured into the streets, this was like real heat and grit and dust amazing stuff like being a participant in a reality show called “So you think you can act in a 80’s art movie”

Felt all pioneer like , Go west young man etc ( oh yeah I was driving down to the spa for a massage like I said I was brave not stupid )

Talking of rickshaws the other day I was in this cab and I was driving shotgun and the guy driving me was like a kid , nice guy we got talking and talk turned to politics somehow and so I asked him what Raj Thackeray was up to these days with all the non Marathi people go home thingy and so the kid thinks a little

So sir when you do your job , you’re in software no ( I nod ) then you basically sit down think really hard and bang away at your keyboard because you want to make new softwares?” I was loathe to destroy this romantic notion of how software is built with tales of tiger-lockup off site program management meetings and six sigma lean agile non waterfall techniques and I mean I probably really should not mention aspect oriented pair programmed test driven lunacy I mean development so I just sort of agreed. “So Raj Thackeray also has a job sir and his job is to make sure people know about his party before the elections nahi to vote kaun dega unko

By itself this incident means nothing but it was kind of nice to meet a slight example of an informed electorate. God I am so sick of these tea party idiots

In other news the lights went of the other day. Got inverter though so suck on that MSEB.

The food is still exquisite. I cant get enough of it ( yes yes yes I know what happens to the food later ) Pretty soon I will be moving out from home to get closer to the wedding site lets see how that goes.

Still have not found time to visit the Bishops School that veritable font of learning ( thank you Mr Beamon, rot in hell Mr < you know who you are > ) hopefully can get there while I am here, for all of its faults it still was an awesome place in retrospect.

Tried downloading a video ( 350 MB ) from my box in Seattle via TS and explorer said it would take 8 hrs… sigh but wait , wait genius to the rescue < cue mission impossible music >

  1. First TS into Seattle box
  2. TS into my go-daddy box from seattle box
  3. Upload video to go-daddy box
  4. download video using http to local india box

total time about 90 min as compared to the 8 hrs( the pipe sizes matter and the 8 hr case is the worst pipe case also i think the TS copy is way slower than http )

whooohoohahaha ( yes fine next week I’ll work on getting a life )

OK Quick Question if you ask someone to play you a Zeppelin song and they play Stairway to Heaven does this mean

  1. They know nothing about zeppelin , this is the only song they have heard off
  2. They think you know nothing about zeppelin so hope you know this one
  3. They have heard plenty of Zeppelin and actually think this one is the best

Finally I leave you with this ( no reason at all )

He that would keep a secret must keep it secret that he hath a secret to keep----H.A


Anurag Shrivastava said...

Its Option 1
You are right, common Indians surprise you with their intelligence and awareness, I wonder (sadly), why don't we have these common people running the country too

Rahul Chandran said...

@anurag yah I agree has toi be option 1 , if it was 3 that would be scary :-)